New |
 New FHLauncher release 1.67R2
 New sites with cockpit sets
Digits 1 and 3 at the end of cockpit file names are correspondingly for 640x480 and 1024x768 res
Download wb277r3min.exe (It's minimum installation package)
or wb277r3full.exe (that includes all original planes' cockpits for 640x480).
Or, if you have wb276 installed, you can download update only: wb277r3upd.exe.
You don't need to download iEN launcher.
Instead of this, download current version of FHLauncher (FHLInstall*). Using this program
you can connect to FH.
Install wb277r3min.exe (or wb277r3full.exe or wb277r3upd.exe).
Unpack and install FHLauncher.
Now to play online on FH or practice offline with all new planes execute
"Gošonline" or "Practicešoffline" in menu "Start/Programs/FreeHostšLauncher".
Download and install (or unzip in wb directory) terrain maps:
Currently FreeHost uses by turns 3 terrains: wbmedrl2.trn, wbawt3.trn and wbmed3.trn.
wbmedrl2.trn and wbawt3.trn should come with wb installation (you can check them in
your wb directory).
Download and install (or unzip in wb cockpits directory) cockpits:
If you use 640x480, then you can install wb277full, and you will get
all original cockpits and you will only need to download cockpits for new
la51.zip, yak11.zip, pe21.zip, he1771.zip, ...
If you use 1024x768, then you'd better install wb277min. After this
download and install wbart3support.exe (in order to get 1024x768 cockpit support).
Then original cockpits you can get on ftp server:
And you will also need cockpits for new planes:
la53.zip, yak13.zip, pe23.zip, he1773.zip, ...
In order to play on FH you don't need to register, just choose an account name
and password then type a nick if it is available you'll get in the game. If it says that your
password is incorrect then this account is probably already used.
If you are running Windows 2000 and want to be able to play in 3D
you will probably need to remove a tick from
"Display properties->Effects->Use transition effects for menus and tooltips",
otherwise wb may crash when you change the plane.
If your FHLauncher freezes while connecting to FreeHost
or you get "Can't resolve IP address of arena" message, save
"hosts" file (right click)
in your Windows folder (!)
When using Windows XP SP1
FHLauncher shows Error 6, when you connect to arena.
In order to counter this you should tick Win98 compatibility in the shortcut
Please, notice: Lost passwords are not restored!
Don't lose it.